The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 112: Update XCVIII - Illya strikes back!

Update XCVIII - Illya strikes back!

This update covers the events of Update XXII to XXVI.

But you don't seem as shaken as after the first round. Either you mentally prepared for this fight, or have simply become used to battle. It's nice to see. No matter what has happened, you are no better or worse than anyone else in this Holy Grail War. Don't let every little thing shake you. Exhibit some of the composure that Shinji didn't. Maybe it wasn't all intentional, but he treated the rules of this war as if they were below him. A serious lapse in judgment. Thank goodness you aren't that arrogant. The truly strong wish neither to die nor kill. In other words, they are humane.

As soon as we return, Archer goes mouthing off. Is this really how a Servant acts? But the shock from the first round is indeed gone. It could be that I have acclimated, but—

About Dan Blackmore. Did you learn anything from your fight with him?

Like the last two times, all options here give the same result.

I see. ...Well, I suppose it isn't so easy to. Not even that old soldier could avoid battle. That's human nature for you. Show me your true feelings in the fight to come.

The next battle... Right, there's a third round, and then a fourth, and so on. I'm still kind of lost. But if that's the path before me, then I owe it to the lives lost so far to keep fighting. Right or wrong, that's one way to think about things.

We get the mid-week interlude that introduces Li.

Go meet Alice.

I seriously hope you've managed to overcome your tendency for misplaced compassion.

She may look innocent, but remember she's already killed twice to get to the third round.

Music: Down to Dawn

Archer's yellow chat for this week is right on day 1.

Unlike me, Archer is as stoic as always. Servants are battle-scarred warriors, after all. ...Is killing children something that he's accustomed to?

He used "fight" instead of "kill." Fighting and killing are different by definition, but here they are one and the same. Archer modulates his voice to drain any trace of emotion out of it.

Of course the fight against a mysterious girl has Archer make a callback to Illya.

Gentle people don't stand a chance in a fight. They lose more, and more often, than most in battle. However, lucky us, this time one of the powerless ones has gotten the strength to fight back. Our first opponent was hostile. Our second was honorable and proud. Both motivations suit warfare. You're too green to be fighting against another's affection. You're too decent of a person to understand how unfair that is.

My advice is to avoid this opponent. The better you know her, the less able you will be to command me. Leave the fighting to me. You'll do yourself a favor if you train your emotions to stay under control.

—Well, in spite of what I've just told you... There's a chance this opponent may be far more evil than any you've ever encountered. Children are a lot more devious and calculating than people give them credit for. She's pretty aggressive with her affection—she might just be plain aggressive. She's defeated two Masters already. So, don't let your guard down. That could be exactly what she wants.

Archer stops, awkwardly shrugging. I guess that's his way of being considerate of my feelings. Archer rides me pretty hard, but I've seen him go soft, especially on women. He's probably unaware of how much he cares for women. ...Anyway. I've learned that Archer doesn't fight innocents... Does that mean he kills them without a fight?

Should I pursue that question?

I can't help asking, even though I know I shouldn't. Has he killed innocent people? He must be able to read the question on my face. Archer nods firmly. So he has.

First of all, heroes kill. A lot. Their names are recorded in history in place of all the innocent lives they exploited, directly or not. Rare is the hero without lamb's blood on their hands. Sorry to ruin your illusions, kid. Second, I'm not a respectable hero. Servants fall into several groups, one of them is anti-heroes. Anti-heroes are the shadows that make heroes shine all the brighter. They're a necessary evil. Think about it. What mythological hero do you know who doesn't have an equally powerful nemesis? That's how things go. My case is a little different, though. I'm a faceless hero generated by society's sense of justice. I can't say I eradicated evil or was ever worshiped. All I did was play roles that were of benefit to society. Before I knew it, people began treating me like a hero.

...Roles that benefited society...?

Yeah. An ally of justice is what they called me.

Despite the dripping sarcasm in his tone, Archer actually looks kind of happy. An ally of justice. An ally of justice, really? It's so corny I can't keep a straight face, but I don't dare laugh.

I know what you're thinking. It sounds corny as hell. But, what's worse is that it's true. I cared about justice more than being a hero. I was focused on ideals, not real human lives. Even if they kill scores of people, real heroes are doing it to save people. They don't save ideals. I ended a lot of lives in pursuit of justice. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were innocent. This body is just a personification of blind righteousness. I could slay that girl without remorse. That's all I wanted to say. Thought you might want to know what kind of Servant you made a contract with.

Archer can't help getting a dig in, as if the words he'd just said were about some other schmuck. Archer says that he is an ally of justice, a personification of blind righteousness, and a murderer with hands covered in innocent blood. How can he be all of the above? If he personified justice, then he would have saved many lives. He refuses to acknowledge that he received thanks as a hero, but he had to have gotten it. ...He's a Heroic Spirit without a name, huh? How'd he wind up with his current body, then?


...I probably shouldn't bring it up.

...No, that's not a question I should ask him right now. It's only been two weeks since I met him, but I know that he's not an indiscriminate murderer. I trust him, so I just need to think about how to survive the third round.


Archer's disgusted look actually causes me physical pain, but if it'd help me learn more about Alice, I'd dress up as a pony...



Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

This may be a chance to get some information. Let's proceed, Master. But with caution.

Archer is being as cynical and sarcastic as always, but for once he seems okay with my decision. For now, we'll go after Alice and hope that chances to gather information will present themselves along the way.






And four.

I already beat it once, I'm not doing it again.

Let's gather infonmation first. What? Escaping from here while protecting you is easy. Don't even think about using a Command Seal.

Let's look into it further before we jump to any conclusions.

Music: School III

She may be tiny, but her power is immense. We need a plan of attack, or we'll never reach the Triggers.

Music: School IV

Twice makes his obligatory 5 second appearance.

Also, we really need to find out more about that Berserker.

Spend SP.

Start the Vorpal Blade chain.

And finish it.

Back to the Arena.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Anyway, let's not let this chance pass us by, Master. We'll be able to have a real fight now.

Well, let's just get the cipher key and call it a day.

Well, that was a handful. We always have to do the stupidest things to get these cipher keys.

Music: School III

Music: School IV

Run into the girls.

For example, Rin Tohsaka and Leo. Their spiritron bodies are faithful reproductions of their physical bodies. But, the danger of such powerful magic circuits is that they keep going after the magus has died. Even after the magus' soul and memories have faded, their magic circuits linger. Eventually, they melt into the network, existing on their own. On the other hand, average magi will manifest average bodies. You fall somewhere in between.

Your facial features and body are unique, but you're still obeying the school dress code. You can see ghosts, but you can't repel them. I'd say that makes you a prime target for a haunting.

So, don't get spooked, okay? If you die on the battlefield, there are no flowers to lay on your corpse.

Remember to get Archer's generic chat.

And back into the Arena.

Music: Fear

Anyway, we've gotta track down those kids. We probably can't displace the Reality Marble until we catch them. We've just gotta corner them in a dead end. Let's do this, Master!

I decide to speed up the chase a bit.

I'm really bad at games like this.

I move so fast that they can't even start running before setting off their teleport.

And the teleport itself doesn't cover enough distance, so now they're chasing me!

So the cutscene starts with us cornering empty space.

Master, don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. If you let them have their way, it'll be the end of you!

We have to catch them, Master. It's a race against time now.

Damn it, my Master's body is almost gone. I'll take the penalty and settle this right here!

I can't believe I let them get away. We don't have time to do anything but kill them next time, Master!

The poor girls have been left in the dust for the entire day.

Music: School III

She dropped something when she left, though. Here's hoping it's the key to unlocking the Reality Marble... First thing tomorrow, let's go check it out.

Next time: A good ol' fashioned book burning.